Suppose it s the only time we cross legs , seated 只有在这个年才会翘起二郎腿坐着呢。
Cross legs vascular anastomosed flap transplantation for severe injury of lower extremities 桥式交叉吻合血管的皮瓣移植修复下肢严重毁损伤
One general a person of great consequence , unmistakably chagrined at being kept waiting so long , sat with crossed legs , disdainfully smiling to himself 有一个将军显要人物很明显是因为等候得太久而感到十分委屈,他坐在那里,交替地架起二郎腿,暗自轻蔑地微笑。
The crossed legs express the unity of life and death , good and bad , skillful means and wisdom , masculine and feminine principles , samsara and nirvana , and the humor of nonduality 交叉的双腿表示生与死、善与恶、方便法门与智慧、阳与阴、轮回与涅盘的融合,和不二的境地。
If needed , elderly can bring along a neck pillow for extra comfort and support to the head and neck . it is advisable to maintain proper posture , and avoid crossing legs for long periods of time 如有需要,长者可自备合适的颈枕,在休息时承托颈及头部,同时亦应保持正确姿势,避免长期维持交叉脚或屈曲双膝等姿势。
If needed , elderly can bring along a neck pillow for extra comfort and support to the head and neck . it is advisable to maintain proper posture , and avoid crossing legs for long periods of time 如有需要,长者可自备合适的颈枕,在休息时承托颈及头部,同时亦应保持正确姿势,避免长期维持交叉脚或屈曲双膝等姿势。
Instead of thinking all kinds of nonsensical things , you just concentrate . that s where your meditation is . you don t have to sit down and cross legs like the buddha ; you just lie there and concentrate 与其胡思乱想,不如专注集中,那也是你们可以打坐的地方,不一定要像佛陀那样盘腿坐著你躺在那里,只要专心就行了。
In addition to being usable as a footrest , the stool can be pulled out from beneath the chair and used separately as a cushion for meditating on the light with crossed legs , and when not in use , pushed under the chair 底下的小椅子则是另一个很棒的设计,不仅可以拿来垫脚,还可以单独拉出来盘腿观光,不使用时则可以完全收到主椅底下!
As the community preacher , i was sitting with great dignity in that very lovely home . i was sharing the faith as their little boy was crawling on the floor . suddenly i realized he crawled under my crossed legs and could see the hole in my shoe and he stuck his finger in that hole 我坐在那间高贵的屋子里,以社区牧师的身份分享信仰他们的小孩在地上爬行,我不晓得他爬到我的二郎腿下,看见了我鞋底的破洞他把手指头探进那洞里
Sitting quietly on her cushion with crossed legs , she nodded , and so i gave a general account of my view : if we only forsake the secular life without gaining enlightenment and having correct concepts about spiritual practice , there is only a superficial difference between being a " monk " or " nun " and being a layperson 于是我就问她愿不愿意听我们对出家的看法,她静静地盘坐在坐垫上,点了点头。我大略地将自己的观点告诉她:如果出家没有开悟没有正确的修行概念的话,那和尚与尼姑跟一般的在家人只有外表不一样而已!